Unlock Your Business Potential:

Design Your Profitable, Purpose Driven Business with Strategic Focus and Human Design Alignment

Dive into an interactive business design experience that leads spiritual entrepreneurs through building a highly profitable, purpose-driven businesses. Create an aligned business plan so that you can focus your time, energy, and money on what truly matters, taking strategic steps to realize your business vision sooner. This is your first step in building a future where business success and purpose align by design. Schedule a call to explore joining today!

Schedule a Business Alignment Call

Imagine Achieving Business Success with Clarity,  Direction, and Confidence


Create your business vision aligned with your unique gifts and purpose so you can intentionally bring it to life to make the major impact and income you desire while making the world better.


Design your strategic business plan so you know you are investing your time, energy, and money into what truly matters, achieving your business vision faster and more easily.


Develop your self-confidence by embracing your unique gifts and life purpose while releasing thoughts and activities that do not align with your desired future.


How to Join The Aligned Business Blueprint:

Step 1:

Book a Business Alignment Call and start getting excited!

Step 2:

Meet with Anna to explore how you can create your aligned business.

Step 3:

Make an aligned decision to join the program!

Entrepreneurship is a journey of transformation. For you and your business!


This is my story...

Hey there! I'm Anna, and I understand the challenges of navigating the business world while staying true to your authentic path. With over 15 years experience in formal leadership and business development, in addition to supporting my family's business for 8 years and earning a Masters in Business Administration, I've honed a unique approach. Certified in subconscious reprogramming and deeply versed in Human Design, I blend practical business strategies with spiritual wisdom. My journey from conforming to discovering the power of aligning strategies with my unique Human Design has empowered me to help entrepreneurs like you uncover your highest potential while creating a profitable and purposeful business.

Bridge the Gap Between  Vision and Reality with the Aligned Business Blueprint Program

Do you want clarity and direction on the future of your business?

You have a grand vision for your business and life but struggle with clarity on what that vision truly looks like and how to get started with a structured, step-by-step approach.

Do you want to attract aligned clients?

You want to confidently show up and stand out, attracting clients who resonate with your purpose and values, and taking actions from a higher state of consciousness, free from limiting beliefs.

Do you want a business aligned with your life purpose?

You know you are meant for something more; to make a bigger impact - but are not sure how to make that happen thoughtfully in your business.

Do you want strategic and practical guidance?

You're looking for a structured, step-by-step process that blends practical business support with spiritual expansion to bring your vision to life, while being thoughtful with the use of existing resources or seeking additional ones if needed.

Do you want to take intentional and confident actions?

You're tired of taking random actions without a clear strategy and want to use your time, energy, and money wisely, taking intentional steps to achieve your business vision faster with increased self-confidence. 

In the Aligned Business Blueprint Program, you will...

Embark on an expansive journey where we align your business with your unique Human Design as well as your personal life vision. Through deep exploration of your Human Design, assessment of your current business, and crafting an intentional strategic business plan, you'll emerge with a comprehensive blueprint to confidently guide your business toward lasting success. 

Schedule a Business Alignment Call

Discover how your unique Human Design influences your business success and align key parts of your business to accelerate your success.

Conduct a thorough assessment of your current business to pinpoint areas of alignment and misalignment so you can focus on what you are best at and stop doing things not aligned with your vision.

Define a clear and inspiring vision for your business aligned with your Human Design, then create a step-by-step strategic plan to achieve it.

Develop a structured organizational chart to clarify your current resources and identify what's needed to realize your vision effectively.

Formulate a forward-looking financial strategy that guides intentional resource allocation as you grow your business toward future success.

During this hands-on, business design experience, you will receive the following....

  • 16 Weekly Group Sessions / Workshops - August 27 through December 10, 2024 (Value $16,000
  • 1:1 Deep Dive of your specific Human Design for Business (Value $2,222)
  • 3 additional 1:1 Coaching / Business Design Sessions (Value $3,000)
  • Digital Program Portal with lessons and templates, guiding you through Human Design in Business and the creation of your Aligned Business Blueprint (Value $20,000)
  • A final written document that you create detailing the components of your strategic business plan aligned with your Human Design (Value Exponential)
  • Confidence in exactly who you are, Clarity on the business you are building, and Direction on exactly how to spend your time, energy, and money to accelerate your business success (Value Priceless)


Total Value: $41,222+ 

Your Program Investment is $4,500


Pay in Full Option


1 Payment

3-Pay Option


3 Monthly Installments

6-Pay Option


6 Monthly Installments

Schedule a Business Alignment Call

Unlock the Power of Planning for Long-term Stability, Greater Impact, and Accelerated Success


Did you know?

  • Businesses with a written business plan grow sales 30% faster than those without.

  • 71% of fast-growing businesses have strategic business plans in place.

  • Entrepreneurs with a business plan are 129% more likely to push beyond the initial startup phase and experience long-term growth in business.

  • Firms with a business plan experience a 50% higher rate of new customer acquisition.

By crafting a comprehensive and strategic business plan tailored to your unique Human Design and future vision, you'll gain a clear roadmap to navigate your entrepreneurial journey.

This structured approach ensures more efficient and effective use of your time, energy, money, and resources, empowering you to focus on what truly moves the needle in your business.


Join the program and discover how aligning your business with purpose and strategy can transform your vision into reality faster than ever before.


Lead your business with a confident plan and are spending your time, energy, and resources in alignment with your long-term business vision!


Are you investing time, energy, and money into strategies that aren't aligned with your true vision?

Studies show that businesses spend an average of 20% of their time, energy and money on activities that don't contribute effectively to the long-term vision they have for their business. 

This could mean thousands of dollars (and even more time and energy) wasted annually on ineffective marketing, misaligned business strategies, or inefficient operations.

In the Aligned Business Blueprint program, we prioritize strategic alignment with your Human Design and business vision.

By focusing your resources on what truly matters, you can redirect your time, energy, and money towards activities that ignite your passion and bring tangible results and sustainable growth.

Let's optimize your business strategy to ensure every dollar and hour invested propels you towards your desired outcomes.

What Clients are Saying


Mindset & Manifestation Coach

"Running a business that truly aligns with my values is of the utmost importance to me. Following my session with Anna, a remarkable shift occurred as I began seeing exciting new opportunities for my business, ranging from enhancing my product suite to refining my marketing strategies. These insights not only felt incredibly invigorating but also promised to contribute significantly to the profitability and growth of my business."


Bookkeeper & Business Advisor

"The human design aspect of what Anna has to offer has given me the confidence to go against the grain and dive deeper into the building my business in the way that works best for me rather than in the way the rest of the world seems to think a business should be ran and marketed. She also brought me clarity on what it is that I have to offer my clients and what type of clients my services are designed for."


Acupuncturist & Reiki Master

"I started my business in February 2022 with no real direction or goal. All I knew was that I wanted to help the people in my community. I was struggling to figure out what the next step was to grow my business. I have dealt with anxiety in the past and could feel my anxiety starting to impact my business. I have noticed a big shift in my inner thoughts and have found myself switching the words I use. I’ve been working with Anna for just a short time and have already had major revelations about my past that were holding me back."

Experience Success with the Aligned Business Blueprint, Guaranteed.

Your Satisfaction, Guaranteed

I'm committed to your success and satisfaction with the Aligned Business Blueprint experience. If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your experience, I offer up to 3 additional 1:1 coaching sessions (valued at $3,000). These sessions are designed to address any concerns and ensure that the blueprint we create aligns perfectly with your business goals and vision. Your satisfaction is my priority, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

By joining this round, I have curated these special bonuses as a gift to you!

These will be delivered live.

Energy Healing

with Millie Barra

Subconscious Reprogramming

with Allison Dagney


with Renae Fieck

Moon Activations

with Anna Nichols

Schedule a Business Alignment Call


VIP Strategic Planning Workshop for 2025

Facilitated in Early December 2024

Take the vision you design in your Aligned Business Blueprint and identify the priorities of where to focus your efforts during each quarter of 2025.

Unlock Your Business Potential with a Business Alignment Call. 


Are you ready to scale your business and step into a leadership role where you’re no longer doing everything yourself?

Our Business Alignment Call is designed for ambitious female entrepreneurs like you, who are ready to create a thriving, self-sustaining business so you can focus your time and energy on the things you love.


Why Schedule a Business Alignment Call?

  • Strategic Planning: Learn how to grow your business efficiently and effectively.
  • Visionary Leadership: Develop a clear and compelling business vision that aligns with your highest goals.
  • Organizational Structure: Create a robust structure that supports growth and empowers your team.
  • Financial Planning: Design a financial plan that ensures long-term profitability and sustainability.

What You'll Gain:

  • Clarity: Identify the key areas where your business can grow and thrive without you having to manage every detail.
  • Confidence: Build the self-assurance needed to delegate and lead with vision and purpose.
  • Alignment: Ensure your business operations and goals align with your core values and higher purpose.



Schedule Your Business Alignment Call Today!

Click the link below to book your session and start your business evolution.


Book Your Business Alignment Call